
It is an open source system used specifically to automate the deployment, scale and manage the containerized applications. It is an extensible open-source and portable platform used to manage the work load of containerized applications. In addition, it also provides various services which can be used for the purpose of facilitating both declarative automation and configuration. Kubernetes has incorporated a number of features; container, microservices, and a portable cloud platform. Kubernetes offers a ‘container-centric’ management environment by organizing the computing features, storage infrastructure, and networking. Kubernetes has integrated the simplicity of PaaS and flexibility if IaaS by enabling the portability over various infrastructure providers.


It is considered as a platform and tool to build, distribute, and to run the Docker containers. A native clustering tool is provided by the Docker which is mainly used for the purpose of managing and scheduling the containers on machine clusters. Docker has incorporated the feature of Docker Engine which has the ability to build and execute the containers on runtime basis. A Docker Hub is also attached which is responsible to provide the service of storing and sharing images.


It is a layered system designed specifically for exposing the concepts of Dockers and Kubernetes in an accurate manner. Openshift incorporates the architecture of microservices in which decoupled and smaller units are responsible to work together. The Openshift adds the source code management, builds, and deployments particularly for developers. It manages and promotes the images at scale as they flow through your system. In addition, it also provides team and user tracking in order to organize a large organization for developers.


It is an open source management platform used for the purpose of monitoring, managing, securing, and provisioning the clusters of Apache Hadoop. The Apache Ambari is responsible to take the guesswork out of the operating Hadoop. The Apache Ambari is considered the part of the Hortonworks Data Platform allowing the organizations to analyze, plan, and install the HDP. In addition, it enable a secure configuration of the HDP by providing the on-going cluster management and maintenance regardless of the cluster size.


The Cloudera distribution includes the Apache Hadoop which is responsible mainly to provide an analytics platform with the latest and updated open source technologies. These latest open source technologies have the ability to store, process, discover, serve, and model the huge amounts of data. Furthermore, it provides integrate and security with various software and hardware products.


The Cloudera distribution includes the Apache Hadoop which is responsible mainly to provide an analytics platform with the latest and updated open source technologies. These latest open source technologies have the ability to store, process, discover, serve, and model the huge amounts of data. Furthermore, it provides integrate and security with various software and hardware products.


The Rancher is an open source software that have the ability to integrate the components which are required by any organization in order to adopt and process the containers in the production. Rancher is built on Kubernetes and makes it easier to conduct the process of testing and debugging. In addition, it also provides efficient solutions to deploy and manage the applications. Rancher has the ability to secure Kubernetes deployment no matter on which platform the application is running.