
In today’s world of latest advancement, microservices are considered as the main architecture to build applications on larger scale. Instead of using single or monolithic codebase, applications are integrated into smaller components named as microservices. A number of potential benefits are provided which includes scaling individual microservices, keeping codebase easier to understand and implement, and enabling the utilization of databases, programming languages, and tools for each microservice. Microservices are primarily used to create cloud applications where each one of the applications is composed as a set of services. This set of services is responsible to run its own procedures and communicates via APIs. These services are developed around particular business logic which can be written in any language. In addition, these services are independently upgradeable, deployable, and scalable.

Docker is best known to manage and deploy microservices. Microservices are shattered into multiple processes running in separate Docker containers. These Docker containers are specified with Docker compose configuration files and Docker files. Additionally, a provisionary tool “Kubernetes” is combined with each microservice so that it becomes easy to deploy, scale, and integrate them. Incorporating microservices this way helps in building a larger application efficiently and effectively.

Big Data

We help to implement end-to-end big solutions by incorporating latest architect solutions. There are multiple factors involved which helps in implementing big data solutions successfully. These factors involve administrations, developers, big data and cloud architects. We have a professional and experienced team of big data experts, who are responsible to provide you best guidance with the help of big data transformation lifecycle. This lifecycle starts from the phase of planning, designing, developing, providing support, operating the platform and IaaS. We deliver application and architecture specifications with respect to your operational and application requirements. We help in establishing data interfaces by incorporating external endpoints such as ETL tools, visualization/BI tools, file stores and external databases.

Software Development:

AuxiLum a wide range of software development services. We have a team of experienced experts who have the ability to outsource your entire application project by providing you the best strategic consulting with respect to different facets. Our professionals help to understand the successful elements of software development. In addition, we assist in implementing pre-project planning by incorporating pre-engagement checklists in order to make sure that our client understand project implementation in detail. We provide necessary support to our clients to set the project vision which include different factors on how to get executive sponsorship, publicize plans, progress, and set scope targets. Furthermore, we help in creating a staffing plan which involves the process of building-up, organizing, and implementing tools so that our client can better understand and develop a software. Our additional services include; defining software requirement plans, construction, detailed design, user documentation, test cases, defect correction, technical reviews, project tracking, risk management, release and integration, and potential strategies in order to accomplish software quality targets.

Linux Based Technologies:

AuxiLum provide consultation services particularly for Linux based technologies so that network system stays productive and allows our client to experience the freedom to concentrate on tactical business issues. Our experts help in establishing a highly-productive information system which includes the factors of security, efficiency, and dependability. We offer cost-effective consultation services so that operational efficiency of our client’s system will be improved in an effective manner. We have a team of professionals who have years of experience in managing services and for better implementation, we provide necessary support to improve your Linux infrastructure. By providing values to your specified requirements, we deliver best assistance and helps you understand the working of Linux Platform. Our highly-skilled advisers analyze your existing challenges and provide you cost-effective and comprehensive solutions which helps in accomplishing business goals by incorporating latest technologies. Audit tools, assessments, and methodologies are integrated by our professionals to provide you best possible guidance.